You can make a difference right now!
Support An Orphan $65 per month
There are many needs at the orphanage. The children are in constant need of food, clothes, beds & bedding, vaccines and educational materials. Your gift towards the monthly support of one of these children would insure all of their needs are met. Their ability to live at the orphanage greatly reduces the chance of them being sold into slavery, the sex trade, the red market or worse dying homeless or diseased on the street. You can make a direct impact in a child's life, right now!
Support a project $60 per goat or other livestock animal, $1,000 per new drinking water well, $40,000 per sq area for land-purchase/orphanage expansion.
As we broaden our humanitarian efforts we're building wells in the state of West Bengal to help the local villages gain access to clean drinkable water. Many if not most of the water supply in this region are tainted with arsenic along with animal & human waste. Many children & adults become sick and can die from the diseases that are found in their only water supply. In addition, we are expanding our efforts to help the local people of West Bengal to start goat & pig farms along with fisheries. All in an effort to help them create an income to provide for their families in one of the poorest places in the world. Your gift to these projects would not only help the parents of these children, but an entire village in need of hope. You can be the difference maker!
Support A Teacher $55 per month
Our orphanage is ran by english speaking teachers and caretakers. This is a rare luxury in this part of the world and one that we desire to keep. It allows the children who live at the orphanage to get a world class education. Many of these children would have no chance of education otherwise. Your gift would insure the ability to pay our amazing teachers who's labor of love will have an impact for generations to come.